It’s time to think globally, by acting locally.


I’m Amal Stefanos, your Educational Consultant on Global Citizenship.

My goal is to provide supplemental content to global programmes in educational institutions.

The sooner global issues are incorporated into educational curricula, the earlier we create the space that promotes the youth’s agency to engage with these complex topics.

My aim is for my audience to develop cross-cultural competency, global awareness, and a nuanced multi-dimensional understanding of how the local connects to the global and vice versa.


My sessions explore an in-depth meaning of global topics through the lens of global citizenship.

Analysing multi-faceted issues using global citizenship as the cornerstone lends a nuanced understanding of our human connectedness and our potential to broaden our perspectives.

The topics covered are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The curated sessions promote robust and collaborative discussions with students and practitioners, which fosters an impactful learning environment.


speaker | student workshops

panelist | practitioner workshops



I’m a researcher, writer and educator who is passionate about exploring politics, socio-economics and cultures through the prism of global citizenship.

My thought-leadership is on the Horn and Eastern Africa. My educational background holds a BA in Economics from Fordham University (NY, U.S.A) and an MA in Conflict, Security & Development from the University of Sussex (Sussex, U.K.).

I’m an Eritrean who was born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya; and have since lived in NYC and London.